Thursday, February 24, 2011

Busy Week

This week has been pretty sorry for the lack-luster blogging this week! I got back home from a weekend in SF with friends on Monday evening and I feel as though I've been playing catch up ever since! There is just so much to do and so little time. (Plus, the wedding is slowly taking over my life.)

Yesterday, Spencer and I met with our wedding photographer to take some engagement pictures and it was SO FUN! I am so excited to see the results!

How awesome is this Kate Spade picture? It's from their Tumblr blog which I was very happy to discover today thanks to the lovely, Black Eiffel. Kate Spade makes me so happy! I love all their bright colors and fun, classic designs.

Also, check out these awesome orange bags on Coquette. I love them! Orange is so fresh.

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